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By Business

Owning a Dare Care can introduce liability that must be accounted for in order to remain credible and profitable.  

Access Control at the main entrances can keep unwanted persons from entering.  It can also maintain a clean record of what parents came and when. A decent system will easily allow levels of admission to certain areas for both employees/customers and will make managing these codes easy, clear, and efficient. 

Cameras are always useful within most businesses, but especially within a daycare for the protection of children, to maintain employee integrity, for general liability, for security of valuables when closed, and more.

A security system will give employees a path or method to panic or duress situations; it will surely give owners  valuable peace-of-mind regarding assets or building contents when closed.

A feature every daycare should take advantage of is paying a single security/fire monitoring bill by linking a required and already installed fire system – to the security system for off-site emergency signal reporting.

Multiple Franchise Locations

By Business

MACIC is able to help you easily and effectively manage your block of restaurants.  There is natural and frequent employee attrition in the industry. To be able to insure your properties are secure with only a few clicks remotely is paramount and satisfying for an owner/manager. Some of the things you can do is: get reports about the opening and closing times of your stores, maintain a long standing history of who came in and when, add/edit/ or remove employee pin codes in a flash and even on-the-go from systems, and quite honestly – so much more. Let us know how we can assist you to easily take control of your investment.

Insurance Agencies

By Business

An effective fully integrated system makes normal day to day operations for the owner simple and streamlined. Smart camera analytics maintain time stamped images of all who surround and enter the premises. The owner receives automated gentle notifications of key incidents which help the management of employees and unwanted ingression.