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Owning a Dare Care can introduce liability that must be accounted for in order to remain credible and profitable.  

Access Control at the main entrances can keep unwanted persons from entering.  It can also maintain a clean record of what parents came and when. A decent system will easily allow levels of admission to certain areas for both employees/customers and will make managing these codes easy, clear, and efficient. 

Cameras are always useful within most businesses, but especially within a daycare for the protection of children, to maintain employee integrity, for general liability, for security of valuables when closed, and more.

A security system will give employees a path or method to panic or duress situations; it will surely give owners  valuable peace-of-mind regarding assets or building contents when closed.

A feature every daycare should take advantage of is paying a single security/fire monitoring bill by linking a required and already installed fire system – to the security system for off-site emergency signal reporting.